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1448 Ety Pointe Drive
Lancaster, OH 43130


Sunday - Thursday  |  11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Friday & Saturday  |  11 a.m. - 10 p.m.





NOTE: The East Side location is temporarily closed to better serve you at the Pizzeria at this time.

1415 Sheridan Drive
Lancaster, OH 43130

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Fat Cat Policies

We know times are hard and people are stressed – we’re in this, too. We have a few critical updates below re: blocked customer and pick-up line policies.


We are *beyond* grateful for our kind-hearted, loyal customers … our family business wouldn’t be surviving COVID-19 without you! Unfortunately, we have to officially share that we will no longer tolerate customers who swear at our team members, who scream at them, who call them names, and who are blatantly disrespectful and rude. Our team members are like family for us. From this point forward, if a customer swears at, or personally attacks, a team member, we will block that person from ordering at our establishment in the future. No person should ever be disrespected for any reason, so we are willing to lose that person’s business to protect our team members. This policy will take effect immediately.

With fewer people dining in at restaurants, we know the pick-up line can be long, but we assure you it won’t take as long as it looks. Even if the line is wrapped around our building, you should have your hot pizza and menu items in your hands in 15 minutes. Oftentimes, your wait is shorter than most fast-food experiences at peak times (we’ve timed both!). Here are some helpful tips to navigate the pick-up line process:

  • We cannot currently give you a pick-order at the counter; you have to go through the pick-up window.

  • If you place an order for the pick-up window, please arrive at the time we tell you over the phone – this will ensure the pick-up line is only comprised of customers whose pizzas are ready in that timeframe. We can only put so many pizzas in the oven at once, and the turnaround time we give you is based on current orders – including pick-up, delivery and dine-in orders.

  • We can only make, bake and prepare so many orders at a time, and the turnaround time we give you is based on current orders. And, there are three points of purchase that affect timing: in-person orders, pick-up orders and delivery orders. We are sometimes asked why our delivery times are longer than other pizza establishments – one of the key reasons is because we’re also a sit-down restaurant and a pick-up restaurant, and all of these orders are funneled through one kitchen, with one team of staff members.

  • We have several parking spaces designated for any customer who comes through the line whose order isn’t ready; this helps keep the line moving.